Monday, April 26, 2010

Getting Back Into the Swing of Things

Well, hello there! It's been a long time, huh?

I'm pleased to announce that the NWWR meetings will resume. Remember that this club depends 100% on YOU showing up. Beginning, this Saturday, May 1st we will meet for the whole month of May at the William Jewell college track at 9am. From there you will have the option to a) do the track workout provided below or b) go on a run/walk through campus and the surrounding area...however long or short you prefer.

The track workout:
---1 lap walk warm-up
---sprint the straight-aways as fast as possible (this can range from a very fast walk or a very fast run)
---walk the curves (this is your recovery, it should be VERY different in speed than the straight-aways.
Continue the sprint/recovery for 45 minutes unless this is your first time out then you might want to cut it down to 30 minutes. Remember gradual progression is key...we don't want to injure ourselves the first time out.

Sadly, Mendy nor I will not be there this Saturday but carry on without us. You have the tools to make it work...all you have to do is "show up."  Grab and friend...anyone is welcome!