Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Walk-Runners Wanted Too!

There are so many of you out there....ladies that want to get into running but can't run too far without a break. Walking a long distance is too easy but running 3 miles straight is impossible right now. You find yourself with the need to challenge your body but also need a walk-break every now and again.

If this sounds like you, the Northland Walk and Run group wants you! We want to continue to grow our walking and running groups but realize there is a large majority of you out there that fit into the Walk-Run category. If you've been meaning to come to a Saturday meeting time but haven't made it a priority, change the cycle and show up this Saturday. Remember: if we want a different result, we have to do something different!

Also, make it a priority to show up to our Open House next Tuesday, June 16th at the Briarcliff Green Acres Store at 7pm with your walking, running, or walk-run shoes on!

1 Comment:

Johnna said...

I will be there at 6 a.m. this Saturday, June 13th. I'm doing the 5-mile route this week. If there are any other gals that would like to join me, that'd be great! I focus on a 12-minute combination and will adjust my pace if there are others interested in doing a combo. See you there!